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Gelenkwellen GmbH & Co. KG
Hofäckerstraße 10
D-71732 Tamm
Tel: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-0
Fax management: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-56
Fax engineering: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-57
E-Mail: info@willielbe.de
Lenkungstechnik Willi Elbe GmbH & Co. KG
Sandfeld 20
D-98639 Rippershausen
Tel: +49 (0) 36 93 / 89 93-0
Fax: +49 (0) 36 93 / 89 93-20
E-Mail: info@willielbe.de
Willi Elbe Industrie AG
Werdenstr. 60
CH-9472 Grabs
Tel: +41 (0) 81 / 7 71 38 62
Fax: +41 (0) 81 / 7 71 21 90
E-Mail: info@willielbe.de
Postbox 104
N-2831 Raufoss
Tel. +47 61 15 47 00
Fax +47 61 15 47 20
E-Mail: info@willielbe.de
Willi Elbe Automotive Bulgaria EOOD
Kuklen Industrial and Commercial Zone
Area Kapsida, Assenovgradsko Chausee
BG - 4101 Kuklen
Tel:+359 (032) - 323 0
Fax:+359 (032) - 323 380
E-Mail: info@willielbe.bg
Willi Elbe Steering Systems (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.
No. 1 Weierbo Road (east of Xianxin Road)
Nanjing Economic & Technological Development Zone
CN-210046 Nanjing, Qixia District, Jiangsu
Tel. +86 25 5793 6666
E-Mail: info@willielbe.de
Willi Elbe Manufacturing S. de R.L. de C.V.
Circuito Celtis No. 12
Parque Industrial Sendai
Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, C.P. 38420
Tel.:+52 (464) - 6435 700
Fax: +52 (464) - 6435 749
E-Mail: contacto@willielbe.mx