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Gelenkwellen GmbH & Co. KG

Hofäckerstraße 10
D-71732 Tamm

Tel: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-0
Fax management: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-56
Fax engineering: +49 (0) 71 41 / 20 50-57

E-Mail: info@willielbe.de


Lenkungstechnik Willi Elbe GmbH & Co. KG

Sandfeld 20
D-98639 Rippershausen

Tel: +49 (0) 36 93 / 89 93-0
Fax: +49 (0) 36 93 / 89 93-20

E-Mail: info@willielbe.de


Willi Elbe Industrie AG

Werdenstr. 60
CH-9472 Grabs

Tel: +41 (0) 81 / 7 71 38 62
Fax: +41 (0) 81 / 7 71 21 90

E-Mail: info@willielbe.de



Postbox 104
N-2831 Raufoss

Tel. +47 61 15 47 00
Fax +47 61 15 47 20

E-Mail: info@willielbe.de


Willi Elbe Automotive Bulgaria EOOD

Kuklen Industrial and Commercial Zone
Area Kapsida, Assenovgradsko Chausee
BG - 4101 Kuklen

Tel.:+359 (032) - 323 0
Fax:+359 (032) - 323 380

E-Mail: info@willielbe.bg


Willi Elbe Steering Systems (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.

No. 1 Weierbo Road (east of Xianxin Road)
Nanjing Economic & Technological Development Zone
CN-210046 Nanjing, Qixia District, Jiangsu

Tel. +86 25 5793 6666

E-Mail: info@willielbe.de


Willi Elbe Manufacturing S. de R.L. de C.V.

Circuito Celtis No. 12
Parque Industrial Sendai
Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, C.P. 38420

Tel.:+52 (464) - 6435 700
Fax: +52 (464) - 6435 749

E-Mail: contacto@willielbe.mx


Our sites

In addition to the headquarters in Tamm, the Willi Elbe Group has three plants in Pfedelbach and Rippershausen in Germany. Production sites in Raufoss, Norway, and in Kuklén, Bulgaria, complete the European presence.

The plants in Nanjing, China, as well as in Valle de Santiago, Mexico, ensure customer proximity in other key centers of the global automotive industry.

Wherever leading steering technology and drive technology for passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles is needed, you’ll find us!

Headquarters Tamm, Germany

The plant in Tamm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is the headquarters of the Willi Elbe Group – and has been ever since the company was founded in 1951.

Pfedelbach plant, Germany

The plant in Pfedelbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, has existed since 1966

Rippershausen plant, Germany

The company in Rippershausen, Thuringia, Germany, has been in the production plant alliance siince 1992, and the Rippershausen plant was built in 1996.

Raufoss plant, Norway

The company in Raufoss, Norway, was acquired in 2001 – and 2010 saw the construction of a new plant at the site.

Kuklén plant, Bulgaria

The Willi Elbe Group has been present in Kuklén, Bulgaria, since 2015.

Nanjing plant, China

In 2012, the Asian continent was developed with the plant in Nanjing, China.

Valle de Santiago plant, Mexico

The Willi Elbe Group has been active in the NAFTA region since 2015 with its location in Valle de Santiago, Mexico.
